Humus is found in the heart of Le Grand Potager because a humus soil makes it possible to cultivate many plants which find there fundamental components to their development.

Below the forest litter, we find humus: it forms a black layer, resembling earth, moist and sticky (potting soil), created and maintained by the decomposition of organic matter, i.e. made by living things and mainly by the combined action of animals, bacteria and soil fungi.

Humus is rich in nutrients and “mycorrhizae” which are networks formed by microscopic fungi and the roots of plants. These tiny cottony filaments form an excellent fertilizer for plants, but also allow the exchange of nutrients between plants of the forest. Some scientific research has even shown that they are capable of transmitting valuable information about their environment.

Plants need soil to grow, but soils need plants and their roots that grow inside to maintain themselves.

Also, when we cut a forest, the roots die and nothing retains the soil. This promotes erosion, and the soil can be washed away by the rains causing landslides that are dangerous to humans.

Soil is an asset that must be protected. This is why it is important to respect the vegetation and preserve the forests.